I was recently having breakfast in a restaurant in Johannesburg South Africa. Whilst enjoying my morning caffine shot a police BMW car drove up at around 25km an hour with blue lights flashing. Like every other diner I was puzzled and slightly amused at what was happening. Three burly policemen came out and walked through the restaurant as if they owned it and eventually sat down. Halfway through their meal one of their phones ran and they were called to an emergency. They rushed out of the restaurant, jumped into their BMW and could not start the car. They rushed back in and asked the waiters to push start the car. The waiters duly pushed the car, came back in and found our three burly policemen had left their phones, sunglasses and notebooks on the restaurant table! Ten minutes later three sheepish policemen returned to find a restaurant of smirking people. A part from this being a scene out of Mr Bean, it brought home how important the people are in building the brand. They way they act and perform is a critical part of your brand strategy.