Engage with your Customers on Social Media

Engage with your Customers on Social Media

I am a Facebook fan when it comes to using it for business. Having said that most of my clients are not using Facebook successfully in their message strategies. Hopefully the following tips will help; Fans are Passionate – Remember if someone becomes a fan it is because they are passionate about you and what you do Find out what they will respond to on your page .It could be design styles, food recipes, trends or garden designs. Find out and engage with them on these issues. Ask simple questions to get them to engage A Like or Dislike comment is easy and encourages more of your fans to be engaged with you. Tell your fans what you would like them to do – Give them guidance and they will become more engaged Treat your Fans as you Platinum Members – These are your real fans and therefore provided them with exclusive offers and encourage them to come into the store. Encourage One on One Interactions- This could be directly with you or with other fans, you have an opportunity to build the community Address them by name and always respond to their comments. Make sure you are Human – Talk to them as friends not clients