The fastest growing marketing technique at present is ‘Value Marketing Coupons’. This is where a retailer provides a coupon on a dedicated web site. According to research 34% of women users of E Coupons are frequent users of them, whilst 51% of 18 to 24 year olds will use them if they are presented with them. Consumers have always liked coupons. In the USA according to Advertising Age, the Advertising Bible, 87% of shoppers use coupons. Research carried out by AC Nielson indicated that 95% of customers like coupons and 60% actually look for them. The value of coupon marketing is that it can; Expand your geographical market Entice new consumers to come to your business Attract existing customers to come more often Increase your profits by allowing you to sell add-ons at a greater profit than the offer The introduction of digital marketing has seen the coupon move from being a paper coupon that was cut out of a magazine or newspaper or collected in store to a digital downloadable coupon. Most digital coupons are time related and this can be down to hours, this encourages the potential consumer to make a quick decision. The role of the retailer is to ensure that they have plenty of the product on offer in stock, plus use the opportunity to get the consumer to purchase other full priced products or to return to the store again. Coupons are usually discount coupons, but BOGOF [Buy One and Get One Free] coupons are also promoted on such schemes. The Value Marketing Coupons via a dedicated provider is either promoted via international sites, Group On being the most commonly recognised or via local web sites. In our city of Perth we have numerous sites including Cudo and Scoopon. If you would like to know more about online retailing, smartphone marketing and social media for retailers, do check out the products in our e-store ….. click here to find out more. Image credit: