Keynote Presentation to European Shopping Centres

Keynote Presentation to European Shopping Centres

In April John visits Istanbul in Turkey as the guest of the European Shopping Centre Association. He will be the keynote speaker and will be talking on the changes in consumer vales and how this effects what shopping centre managers need to do in the coming years.

This is John’s second trip to Turkey as a s speaker and he will also be visiting the top shopping centres in that country and reporting back with new ideas to our members in the Members Club.

John’s presentation will take the line that the consumer is finding that shopping is becoming a bore and that retail managers need to introduce new values into the shopping experience if they are to build customer traffic in the future. The audience will consist of the major shopping centre managers in Europe. Join our Members Club to discover what is happening in this changing part of the world and what you can learn from them.

The talk will cover the aspects of the consumer looking for “social Church” in the community and the role the shopping centre can take in this partnership.