The Five Day Health Check
Retail is about detail. Today is a Bricks and Clicks World. Retailing is changing at a rapid pace. Researchers have said that retailing will change more in the next five years than it has in the last 100 years. It is easy to get depressed if you’re not keeping up. That’s why John has created training tools to help you keep up, and the Five Day Retail Health Check so you can take a close look at your business using consumer eyes. You can then take action to ensure you are providing an inspirational experience for your customers.
The “5 Day Health Check” is a simple five minute check that you should take as a regular health check on your business.
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Each day the focus will be on a different area of your business:
- Day One: First Impressions
- Day Two: Merchandising
- Day Three: Signage
- Day Four: Customer service
- Day Five: Marketing
Keep the list and use it as a regular health check on your business.