Christmas Snippets To Share With Your Team

Christmas Snippets To Share With Your Team

Christmas Snippets To Share With Your Team By Jurek Leon Make this year a �Ho, Ho, Ho� rather than a �Ho Hum� event. Here are a few snippets from Jurek Leon�s new e-book �The 52 Terrific Tips For Christmas Workbook� to get you started. Focus on your team Christmas can be an extremely stressful time for staff. They are a manager�s customers, so you have to invent ways to care for them and live up to their expectations at Christmas. Be clear about what you require of them under pressure. And they have to be prepared as if they were going into a sporting event. Start each day with results to date. Celebrate small successes. Emphasise the positive. Turn your team into successful shoppers Who do your staff have to buy for? Get them to share their lists. Get this done well before the Christmas rush. Help one another out with ideas. Have fun. Put up a chart where people have to mark off as they buy their gifts. Make it public. Let your customers know what is going on. They will be curious and while encouraging your staff to get their Christmas shopping underway, may just do the same themselves. Give an elf a job We need more elves at Christmas; people who can be paid to blow up helium balloons and the myriad other nuisance jobs that need to be done. Your experienced staff are best kept fresh for the important jobs of selling and service. Prepare the team Get your team to develop Christmas quizzes about product, things to do, how to stand out and fun Christmas things. Take turns every few days to co-ordinate the quiz. Train your staff not to lose their cool with customers when they get busy. Remember for some of them it is the first time. They need to know how to cope with the rush and with people who are stressed and under pressure. Talk this through as a group. Discuss, don�t tell. Ensure everyone is trained in the techniques for handling complaints and difficult customers. Make it easy Make access easy: Getting in, walking down aisles, past angled promotional displays. How hard is it when the store is crowded? Get a twin push chair and send a couple of staff members through a shopping centre on a busy day. Get them to weave through a pharmacy, some gift shops, and boutiques and then ask them to report back to your team. That will raise everyone�s awareness. Fill each day with magic moments Don�t process your customers. Treat each customer as an individual. Make them feel special. Really be there for them. Focus on them and their needs. Let them know by your actions that right at that moment in time there is nowhere else you would rather be. Our objective should be to have every customer going away feeling and thinking, �I�m glad I talked with you. You really listened even though you were very busy. This Christmas, I feel better about myself as a result of talking to you�. Invest in success Invest in my completely revised and expanded Christmas workbook, now titled, �The 52 Terrific Tips For Christmas Workbook�. It�s available as an e-book and can be ordered from the Resources section at Jurek Leon is a speaker, trainer and consultant. To subscribe to Jurek’s FREE monthly email newsletter go to the Free Articles section of his website and type in your name and email address. It�s simple and easy. Alternatively, email Jurek at