Customer service…let the retailer know your feelings straight away

Customer service…let the retailer know your feelings straight away

As a retailer you need to know how your customer service stacks up and you want to know straight away. With the arrival of the internet and social media, often, the local community knows before you do. I was therefore intrigued to see a new Phone App be developed in West Australia. Take5Refresh is a Phone App the retailer pays for and then offers free to their customers. It has three faces on it, happy face, normal face and a sad face. The customer just hits the button based on the face to score the customer service. The retailer gets instant reporting and can add vouchers to the Phone App.

If you would like to learn more about Phone. Apps go to “clicksforbricks” and watch the free Webinar. You can also download my Phone App at your phone store by typing in JohnStanley.